Monday, May 28, 2012

bow tie fad...

Okay so I have this bow tie ring that I've had for quite some time now and all who knows me knows I am terrible at wearing and or losing rings!  I mean my husband might as well just buy me a fake diamond ring because chances are it will get lost anyways... lol jk but anyways... I've been wearing this bow tie ring of mine and I'm obsessed and I love it and I haven't lost it yet!! It really is a miracle.. Its starting to get worn out so I've been searching all over the internet for another one.. Here are my favorites!
this is what I have now...

Leaning towards this one..

Yeah weird fad of mine right now... Why do I do this to myself?? I'm sure I'll be over it in a couple weeks... maybe.. LOL

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Learn to say no

Today I babysit not one not two but THREE families in one day! Started out like this..

- 6:30 got up got kids off to school by 8:00 (staying the night all week their parents are in Hawaii lucky!)
- 8:30 went to family number 2.. babysat there from 8:30 - 3:00
- took family number 2 kids over to family number 3s house did a double whammy for an hour
- babysat family number 3 till 3:30 then went back to family number 1 and got kids off from the bus and here for another night! ...

*babysitters/nannys are in demand people!!

oh and one of my friends nicely pointed out when we were talking about going to the gym that I always double book myself... I say YA THATS FUN LETS DO IT! and then I get stuck because I realize I made commitments already.. I think thats why I babysat 3 families today LOL

elementary school drama

so today I am babysitting another family of 6! the oldest is 10 and she is the sweetest most loving little girl!  When she got home from school she was super quiet and I had a suspicion that something maybe was wrong but I just let it go... a few minutes later after her brothers teasing her she finally broke down and just cried.. OMG broke my heart!  I immediately went over to her and gave her a big hug and got her talking. She was telling me how girls at school were being so mean. When she asked them if they thought her hair was cute (which I did it so of course it was cute!) this one brat said ew no... then later other girls were leaving her out and ignoring her and saying that they were mad at her because she doesn't give them very much attention.

Kay girls are so mean!! It made me think about when I was in elementary school and MAN I was that bratty girl!! I hate all the memories of all the horrible things I did and said to girls! :( But really why do girls and even women have to say such hateful and do such mean things because of jealousy or revenge or because of low esteem.  Its so sad!

Funny true story actually... a couple years ago when fb went viral and 200 friends went to 1200 friends I started reconnecting with a bunch of elementary school friends and of course the first thing I did was apologize! haha and it was awful hearing/laughing about the memories other girls had of me and the things that they remembered!
I don't know why I am sharing this... just a memory to be remembered I guess!..  No one would've ever guessed I was the bratty one.. not ever..!! ;)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mothers Day.

Incase you didn't know I have the most amazing mother in the entire world.  The older I get, the more I realize just how great and valuable my mom is.  She truly is the greatest teacher and example I could ever ask for.  I really do owe everything I am, and everything I will become to her.  Her wisdom, knowledge, and teachings are the reasons I have a strong testimony and why I have always had a burning desire to serve.  I really don't know my mom with out an auxiliary calling.  She has taught me the importance of serving others, and being the advocate for all the members, yw, or children that you serve and how to follow the spirit to bless lives.  
She is a great mother.  Some of my greatest memories growing up (she'll laugh at this)

- I hated school! I was always so bored, and I just was a free little spirit and hated being stuck in a classroom so I'd play sick probably a good 2 times a week. My mom always let me stay home! SHH don't tell anyone.  I used to think I was a pretty dang good faker but now duh I know she always knew I wasn't really sick but she loved me enough to spend a few hours during her free day time hours to love me and be with me.

- Another good memory,  Every monday morning I had piano lessons at 7:00 am YUCK! we'd get there at 6:00 bc each half of us kids went in the am and the other half after school (yeah all 6 of us took lessons!)  I got stuck with the morning schedule because I had dance EVERY DAY after school.  (Yeah my mom had me in everything)...  So she'd take the other kids to school so they'd be on time and then she'd pick me up and we'd always go to bagelnosh and get bagels! HAHA seriously love it... such a simple little thing but it will always hold such a fun memory!

- She made all 6 of us kids lunches every single morning! Thats amazing! She'd get up feed us make our lunches and take us to school.  I used to feel bad for those kids that had to take buses (I went to a charter school so we didn't have the option of taking buses) but I loved having mom or occasionally dad take us to school.  It was always a special time and good quality time.

- Another big important thing is mom was ALWAYS home after school.  This is such a big thing for me.  I'm so grateful we were blessed enough to always have mom home.

- Mom (and dad) never once missed a basketball or volleyball game!  They'd even travel hours away to come and support me.

** Yes I have the most amazing mom (and dad) these are just 1 of the 100s of great attributes and memories I have.  I really am so blessed! I love you mom! (and dad lol)

one balloon and heart for each kid, sister in law, and grandkid to write their favorite thing about mom. It was perfect! 20 hearts and balloons total.


A week of work..

Its Sunday so I know I need to blog but I feel like I have absolutely nothing to blog about! Except for my mothers day brag post which I will post after...

This week was alotta fun. I got to watch the Coleman bunch and they were so great! I've always said I wanted like 6 or 7 kids and guess what this totally prepared me! There are 6 kids in this awesome family! Ages 15 down to 18 months and I was in heaven!!  I'm not gonna lie though I definitely felt like what its like as a single mom and my heart goes out to them! I do not know how I could survive on my own.  There are just so many responsibilities the father of the house carries and I was so wishing I had that other companion with me this week.  I know so so dumb I was fantasizing all week! HAHA! but seriously I know being a mom and a wife someday will be the best calling ever!
Everyone but the baby! 
I can not believe summer time is already here! I only have one more week of teaching and then I'm like done till after my mission! SO SO crazy! And sad.  Time is just zooming by!

Yay for a good successful week!