Tuesday, June 5, 2012

that moment..

That moment when you realize and you decide... like really decide that you are NOT going to just be another girl added to the list, you are not going to be apart of his games, you are not going to be an experiment, you are not going to be his stress and burden, you are not going to be smitten by him any longer, you are not going to be a hidden secret, and you are not going to rave about him every hour of every day..

BUT that you are going to be different, you are going to feel worthy, you will find the man that won't have a list, you will be his solution, you will relieve his stress and burndens, he will be smitten by you, and he will rave about you every hour of everyday. That will be a great day

AS for the first scenario... I'm so glad I've come to the realization and decision to drop his uncommittable A$$. OH YA!  and moving on to better and more valuable relationships!

Ya that moment when you realize and decide... like really decide.. YA THATS A GOOD MOMENT!

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