Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Hi I'm Rachelle and...

So last night I couldn't sleep because of the most random thoughts.. I was thinking about interesting things about myself! haha... yep I'm a random one. I actually came up with some fun ones! Here we go...

* I LOVE throwing things away... its a big issue. I'm a waster!
* I like to snuggle
* I like my back scratched "tickled" and am known for paying up some serious cash to my babysittin girls for their back scratching services
* I love taking drives and singing at the top of my lungs to my ipod
* I will listen to the same song for months over and over again
* I am a germ freak especially when it comes to kids
* My real hair color is a light light brown almost blonde color
* I love my comfy pants more than anything
* I like the mountains and camping
*I'm awful at remember names, I can't even remember cute names I come up with for my future kids.. I'm that bad

*7 brothers 0 sisters
* never changed a tire (even tho I think it would be fun)
* I like pasta and cheese not necessarily together tho
* I had braces for 4 years
* I've never broken a bone
* I hate tomatos
* I have wrinkles under my eyes from smiling to much
* I WISH I was whitty and funny
       - I'm actually the complete opposite.. I cant finish my thoughts or sentences.. I need to learn how to use my words!
* I LOVE wood, especially the smell after sanding and cutting it with those big loud saw things..
* I want to become an expert at building things made out of wood
* I want my own work place for wood projects someday.. aka my garage
* I like to run and I will run a marathon someday!
* My BIGGEST fears are snakes and getting in a bad car accident
* I get really nervous when I have to speak impromptu
* I used to cry "happy tears" as a little girl when my dad would sing his made up lullaby at night
* I like to drive fast
* I'm thinking about changing my major to structural engineering
* I might have just had to google engineering to figure out how to spell it...
* I used to be tone deaf
* I get really embarrassed really easily and all I can do is take it because I'm not good at come backs!
* I like blind dates

So thats what I've come up with so far... might be adding to this list later! this is good history!

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